Current track



Current show

Democracy Now!

06:00 07:00

Upcoming show

Democracy Now!

06:00 07:00

Current show

Democracy Now!

06:00 07:00

Upcoming show

Democracy Now!

06:00 07:00

Classic logo on blue background

Ways to Donate

Support Your Local & Independent Community Radio & Podcast Station

A vibrant democracy depends on community access to a broad range of information, perspectives, and voices. Vancouver Co-op Radio tells the untold stories, showcases local artists and musicians, and covers issues and events from perspectives not easily found in mainstream media. Our co-operative model has allowed Co-op Radio to survive even during these crazy times. Radio, Podcasting and Music Production is here to stay through the support of listeners like you.

Join Now! Your Donations Make a Difference

Donate online
Click HERE to make a donation, or consider becoming a member of the station.

Call (604) 684-8494, ext. 230 and we’ll take your membership pledge.

Book Your Station Tour

Email to book your appointment

We are located at: 370 Columbia Street in Vancouver, BC
(between Hastings & Columbia, in the Downtown Eastside)
Bottom Buzzer

You can print and fill out a Donation Form (pdf) and mail it to:

370 Columbia St.
Vancouver, BC
V6A 4J1

Ways to Love Co-op Radio

All payments can now be made through our secure online payment system!
If you don’t want to use that method, please email,
or mail your contribution to 370 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 4J1,

Monthly Donations

Monthly payments are automatically withdrawn from either your bank account or credit card; you never need to renew your membership because the monthly amount of your choice is withdrawn until you tell us to stop. Direct debit monthly sustainers save us the most money in administrative fees and time. If you prefer the direct debit option, simply print this Monthly Donation Form (pdf), fill it out and mail it to Co-op Radio with a VOIDed cheque attached.

Annual Donation

Annual donations and membership contribute to over half of our annual budget! The suggested amount for an annual contribution is $100  (and if you are signing up as a member, your tax receipt will be your donation minus $10 for the membership).

One-time Donation

A donation (or membership) to the radio station is welcome at any time!

Leave A Gift In Your Will

A gift in your will will help Vancouver Co-op Radio continue to deliver independent community programming by and for members of diverse communities.

By joining the Radio Forever program you are joining a small group of committed donors who are giving the gift of continued access for voices under or mis represented in the mainstream.

A legacy gift names CFRO in your will. The most important thing is to use our proper legal name and charitable registration number in your will: Community Radio Education Society, Charity No. 11887 1086 RR0001.

You can leave a specific amount (an unrestricted bequest) in your will with wording such as this: “I bequeath to the Community Radio Education Society, Charity No. 11887 1086 RR0001 at 370 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 4J1, the sum of  $_____  to be used for its general purposes.”

Or a residual bequest: “I bequeath to the Community Radio Education Society, Charity No. 11887 1086 RR0001 at #370 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 4J1, __% of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

If you decide to leave a legacy, we encourage you to contact our Fundraising & Promotions Co-ordinator, at so we can thank you today and ensure we honour your wishes in the future. Please contact us if you have questions about this process. Thank you for believing in the future of Co-op Radio!

Other Options to Maximize Your Membership

Visa Points Program

Some credit cards allow you to donate your points to charity… turn those points into progressive community radio! To redeem your points, call or go online to your credit card provider, follow the links to donate and select Community Radio Education Society.

Corporate Matching Program

Many companies will match the amounts that their employees contribute to charitable organizations. This means that if you donate $100 to the Community Radio Education Society, the company you work for will do the same, meaning your donation doubles! Ask the company’s HR or Finance department for more details, and let us know.

Tax Receipts

When you make a donation to the station, and want to be a member, $10 of your donation goes to your annual membership. For anything in addition to that over $50 donated, you will be issued a tax receipt.  Tax receipts are sent out each February.

If you need a tax receipt, please indicate that on your membership form. If you have not received your tax receipt by the last week of February, please email to ensure that we have your correct and complete address and receipt information.

If you pay by cheque and need a tax receipt, please write your cheque to C.R.E.S (Community Radio Education Society).


Thank you!

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