Scheduled on
Saturday | 10:00 | 12:00 |
Redeye is produced by an independent media collective at the studios of Coop Radio in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. The show has been on the air for over 45 years, providing high-quality public affairs and arts programming to listeners looking for a progressive take on current events.

We always welcome new members, and provide training and mentoring.
We are always happy to meet people who are interested in joining the show. Drop us an email at If you want to work with our collective, we can train you in all aspects of producing alternative radio.

Pictured: (Some of) the Redeye crew, spanning the generations.
We always welcome new members, and provide training and mentoring.
We are always happy to meet people who are interested in joining the show. Drop us an email at If you want to work with our collective, we can train you in all aspects of producing alternative radio.

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